Sponsors and Funders
Lottery Grants Board Te Puna Tahua
The Lottery Grants Board aims to maximise the community benefits of lottery grants by focusing grant decision making on outcomes.
Outcomes are all the changes, benefits, learning and effects that happen – or start to happen – as a result of activities, projects or services in communities.
Tasman District Council
Tasman District Council is a vital part of the Tasman District community. The Council plays a key role in providing the services and infrastructure that residents need to live, work, and raise families. The Council also plays a key role in promoting and supporting the economic and social development of the Tasman District.
Te Tari Office of Ethnic Communities
The Office of Ethnic Communities is the government's principal advisor on ethnic diversity in Aotearoa New Zealand. We provide information, advice and services to, and for, ethnic communities and administer funds to support community development and social cohesion.